Make-up artist

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Brief Job Description:

Individuals at this job are responsible for the design and execution of make-up for artists.

Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to understand make-up requirements and identify the design and look for each artist. The individual must have a good understanding of the principles of cosmetology and theory of skin, colour, bruising etc. The individual must be able to select the appropriate makeup products and use relevant techniques to create the required look for artists. The individual must also be aware of the common diseases, allergies, disorders and reactions that could be caused by/ could impact make-up application.


1. Identify hair and make-up requirements 

2. Manage hair, make-up and prosthetics supplies 

3. Prepare for altering the artists’ appearance 

4. Apply make-up and special effects 

5. Manage helpers and trainees 

6. Maintain workplace health and safety