Yoga Therapy Assistant

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Brief Job Description: Health care professionals who demonstrate and assist to provide yoga therapies to the individuals by creating appropriate and conducive ambience. These professionals follow prescriptions and provides support to individuals before, during and after therapy. They also perform basic administrative functions including record maintenance of day to day activities at work place.


Option 1 Diabetes Care: Yoga Therapy Assistant-Diabetes care demonstrates the steps and assists the patients during the practice for diabetic related yoga therapies in consultation with therapist and doctors.

Option 2 Palliative Care: Yoga Therapy Assistant-Palliative care demonstrates the step and assists the patients during the practice for palliative related yoga therapies in consultation with therapist and doctors.

Personal Attributes: The job requires individuals to have good communication skills,time management skills, basic IT skills, ability to work in a multidisciplinary team. They also need to possess key qualities such as self discipline, confidence, maturity, compassion, patient centricity, active listening, empathy, language proficiency.


1. Prepare the unit as per yoga therapy needs

2. Carry out initial interaction with individuals for proposed yoga therapy as per directions

3. Conduct yoga therapy session as per prescribed advice

4. Conduct post yoga therapy session review

5. Maintain interpersonal relationship with patients, colleagues and others

6. Maintain professional & medico-legal conduct

7. Maintain a safe, healthy and secure working environment